Risk Management Plan Development
Stay EPA compliant and keep your workplace safe with PSS

Create A Compliant Risk Management Plan With Process & Safety Solutions
As a company that’s in the business of handling extremely hazardous substances, you know just how important regulatory compliance is. Along with OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) plan, the EPA requires you to submit a Risk Management Plan (RMP) detailing how hazardous materials are handled at your facility. With regulation and requirements growing stricter, it’s never been more important to have your plans reviewed and audited by outside experts.
As one of the the U.S.’s most-trusted EPA Risk Management Plan consultants, Process & Safety Solutions brings over 30 years of experience to the table. We’ll help you develop an RMP plan that’s not only compliant with all the EPA’s requirements, but is also designed to keep your employees safe. When it’s time to revise your RMP, choose the proven experts at PSS to update your plan and set your company up for future success.

Who Needs To Submit An EPA Risk Management Plan?
A facility that holds more than a threshold amount of a regulated substance in any of its processes is required by the EPA to comply with its Risk Management Program regulations. This means owners or operators must develop a risk management program, as well as revise and resubmit an RMP every five years.

What’s Required In An RMP?
An RMP must address three areas:
- What will be done to prevent accidents from occuring, including safety precautions, monitoring, training measures, equipment maintenance, etc.
- A hazard analysis that details what could happen in case hazardous chemicals are accidentally released, including an accident history report and worst-case and alternative scenarios.
- What an emergency response program would look like, including emergency treatments and procedures for informing response agencies (i.e. fire department) and the public when incidents occur.

Why Choose An RMP Professional?
Enlisting the help of a proven and experienced Risk Management Plan consultant will not only ensure that you’re EPA compliant, but that you’ve developed a comprehensive plan without any holes. Their unbiased opinion and years of expertise will ensure your employees will be well equipped to handle an accident — as well as have the tools and knowledge to prevent one in the first place.

Set Up Your RMP With Process & Safety Solutions
Whether you’re in the business of gas processing or utilize ammonia refrigeration in the food and beverage industry, our team of compliance experts are here to help you develop top-tier plans and procedures for dealing with hazardous chemicals.
If you’d like to learn more, or schedule a compliance audit, fill out the contact form below. We look forward to working with you.